Congressman Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1) raised nearly $1,500,000 in Q2 of 2020. The campaign has nearly $2,700,000 cash-on-hand with almost 90% of donations being under $50.

This is the most Congressman Zeldin has raised in a single quarter, shattering many other local fundraising records in the process. Additionally, the $4.8 million he has raised so far this cycle is already the most Congressman Zeldin has ever brought in for a campaign.
“These numbers reflect widespread support for and trust in Congressman Zeldin who continues to deliver for Long Island families, including, just this year, securing the $2 billion Electron Ion Collidor “Dream Machine” for Brookhaven National Lab, over 1 million items of PPE & vital stimulus aid at the height of the Coronavirus Pandemic, and so much more,” said James Zenn, Zeldin for Congress Campaign Manager.